Kentaro Hagiwara is a Japanese filmmaker based in Tokyo. He graduated from Art Center College of Design in Pasadena in 2007. After graduation, Kentaro moved back to Tokyo and began his career as a director for numerous commercial films. In 2013, his first feature screenplay “ Spectacled Tiger” (co-writer: Kyohta Fujimoto) won Sundance/NHK award at Sundance Film Festival. In 2017, he directed his first feature film “Tokyo Ghoul” based on the best-selling Japanese comic book and had the world premiere at Anime Expo in Los Angeles.
1980年東京生まれ。Art Center College of Design映画学部を卒業後、2008年に帰国。TV-CMの演出を中心に活動。2013年米サンダンス映画祭にて、長編映画脚本「Spectacled Tiger」(共同脚本:藤本匡太)がサンダンスNHK賞を受賞。主な作品に、映画『東京喰種トーキョーグール』(2017) 、映画『サヨナラまでの30分』(2020)、WOWOWドラマW『いりびと異邦人』(2021)、Huluオリジナル『あなたに聴かせたい歌があるんだ』等。
Yusuke Takase is a filmmaker based in Tokyo.
He belonged to an animation company studio4c as a animation director.
Then he joined the directors guild. focused on directing TV commercials.
Later he became independent from the company in 2018 and founded his own company "solo",
He was awarded in the Cannes Advertisement Award, Tokyo ADC Award, ACC Award Gold,Spaikes Asia.
カンヌ広告賞、NY FESTIVAL賞、東京ADC賞、ACC賞、ADFEST、Spaikes Asiaを受賞。
Keiya Ando studied film production at College in California. After returning to Japan, he was hired as a director at a commercial production company TYO and became a director. He created a lot of commercials. And also he is making short films. He is accepted by over 60 film festivals in the world including Beverly Hills Film Festival, Befan International Fantastic Film Festival and Oaxaca Film Festival.
Yuki Saito studied Film Directing at Columbia College-Hollywood. Yuki's short films has won Audience Award four times at Short Shorts Film Festival and were screened at over 200 international film festivals. He won Gold lion at Cannes Lion In 2014. His first feature film "The Old Capital " was selected as a special selection film by the Ministry of Culture in 2016. The TV Drama "Ossan’s love " became the 1st place of Twitter's world trend and won Best director award for the Television Academy Award in Japan in 2018. The feature film "BattleShip Boy" and"The Blue Skies at your Feet" was released in 2022.
1979年千葉県生まれ。高校卒業後に渡米、Columbia College-Hollywood卒。短編映画ではSSFF&Asiaで4度の「観客賞」を受賞、これまでに世界各国200以上の映画祭で上映される。2014年、カンヌ広告祭でゴールドを受賞。2016年、川端康成原作「古都」で商業長編デビューを果たし、文部科学省特別選定映画に選出される。2018年、ドラマ「おっさんずラブ」でザテレビジョン・ドラマアカデミー賞監督賞を受賞。2021年、映画「軍艦少年」、2022年、映画「君が落とした青空」が公開される。2024年は、ドラマ「おっさんずラブ-リターンズ-」、ドラマ「アンメット 」を監督している。
Kyohta Fujimoto
A writer based in Tokyo. He studied filmmaking at California State University Long Beach from 2003 to 2006. After moving back to Tokyo, he wrote scripts for short films, web commercial/Dramas and TV Drama while working for a licensing company. In 2013, his first feature screenplay “Spectacled Tiger (co-writer: Kentaro Hagiwara)” won Sundance Institute/NHK award at Sundance Film Festival. In 2017, “Uso Nante Hitotsumo Naino” won ATP Drama Incentive award in Japan. In 2022, "Anatani kikasetai uta ga arunda" has been available exclusively on Hulu Japan.
脚本家。1981年愛知県生まれ。2001年に渡米し、California State University Long Beach映画学部にて映画、脚本を学ぶ。2007年に帰国。以降、短編映画、広告webムービー、ドラマなどの脚本を手掛ける。2013年、米サンダンス映画祭にて、長編映画脚本「Spectacled Tiger」がサンダンス/NHK賞を受賞。2017年、NHK BS プレミアムドラマ「嘘なんてひとつもないの」がATP奨励賞を受賞。2022年、Huluオリジナル「あなたに聴かせたい歌があるんだ」が独占配信開始。