Kentaro Hagiwara
Film Director

Kentaro Hagiwara is a Japanese filmmaker based in Tokyo. He graduated from Art Center College of Design in Pasadena in 2007. After graduation, Kentaro moved back to Tokyo and began his career as a director for numerous commercial films. In 2013, his first feature screenplay “ Spectacled Tiger” (co-writer: Kyohta Fujimoto) won Sundance/NHK award at Sundance Film Festival. In 2017, he directed his first feature film “Tokyo Ghoul” based on the best-selling Japanese comic book and had the world premiere at Anime Expo in Los Angeles.

1980年東京生まれ。Art Center College of Design映画学部を卒業後、2008年に帰国。TV-CMの演出を中心に活動。2013年米サンダンス映画祭にて、長編映画脚本「Spectacled Tiger」(共同脚本:藤本匡太)がサンダンスNHK賞を受賞。主な作品に、映画『東京喰種トーキョーグール』(2017) 、映画『サヨナラまでの30分』(2020)、WOWOWドラマW『いりびと異邦人』(2021)、Huluオリジナル『あなたに聴かせたい歌があるんだ』等。